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Sunday, April 6, 2008
Parents Told to Let Kids Play With Paedophiles - What Next Give Them Guns
Were your days of growing up far happier than that of these times? A recent statement from Ed Balls, said the "vast majority of children feel happy and safe". He also said "Childhood is better than it's ever been. It's not toxic, "most" young people are doing better at school than they were, "most" young people are accessing new technologies, making friends... "most" trends are positive."

In debated breath I ask, how many is "most" The world is a big place or had you not noticed Ed? Yes there were times we slept four maybe five to a bed with coats for covers, there were the times we bared freezing conditions to empty the pee pot, and not to mention eating left overs fried up in the pan from the day before. Those were happy days I recall, bedtime laughter with brothers and sisters, no pee pot spillage on route to the communal toilet located as to what would seem a million miles away, and the left over spuds and cabbage welcomed by empty bellies that needed filling. Yesterday's childhood sure beats eating junk food, having an en-suite bathroom and designer beds with only miserable thoughts for company as to what tomorrow will bring.

Ed Balls rejected the idea that previous generations had better childhoods. Fair enough men worked their fingers to the bone down mines and kids too; however no harm done, in fact it made them more of a man, a man respected for providing for their families. You say "most," if talking in numbers, then how many kids in today's society are happy to see their role models drink the dole money in the pub, or see the parents dealing drugs, or worse still taking them (not all.) In the years gone by, we did live under threat from catching the plague and fear did prevail at the mention of Jack the Rippers name, but this does not come nowhere in comparison to the danger of being abducted by a paedophile ring, brutally murdered, mugged for your cell phone, pimped for pleasure blown up by terrorists, and having your hair pulled out by school bullies or worse still sadistically beaten by those who gave you life. Tell me Ed Balls how you compare living under the threat of disease (plague) to that of being shot for fun.

Obviously no homework has been done because a government report shows that there has been an increase in reports of bullying and emotional problems.

Morning TV announced the government was donating 25 million pounds towards children's play activities because - we as parent are over protective. The kids need to get back on the streets they say. A decrease in child abductions over the past year has the government tell us parents to give our children back their freedom. Did it never occur that the decrease in child abductions maybe due to parents keeping their children under wraps? I am all for teaching my kids on how to have a happy childhood and keep safe in the way I feel fit and if that means protecting them till our streets are safe to play then so be it. Unicef stated earlier this year that the United Kingdom was listed bottom of the league in terms of children's quality of life in industrialised countries.

Mr Ed Balls rejected such a view - saying that although there were "many" examples of problems affecting the young, such as under-age drinking or mental health problems, the big picture being overlooked was that "most" children had secure and happy lives. Contradiction of his report with under-age drinking or mental health problems highlights that our children may not be quite so happy. He also highlighted under-age drinking as an area in which an overall improvement is set against a more polarised, acute problem among a minority. Using a survey of 110,000 pupils, it says that 93% of children "felt happy about life at the "moment".

What is it with you and the Ms - Most – Many - Moment, these are all indecisive assumptions brought to the fore. Conclusive comments to his report were that anxieties in children stemmed from exam problems. Obesity was mentioned as a continuing concern and that many children felt unsafe on public transport. Does this tell us our kids are happy? Untill our streets are safe then any mum will do what comes naturally and that is to protect their young.

Ed will you please review your opinion on what you believe is a happier environment because I am afraid to say some would think you are talking a whole load of b….s.

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posted by Khate @ 9:39 AM  
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