Choosing a Daycare can be a one of the most important decisions in your life. As a loving parent, you need to take a few extra days to research daycares to find the one that fits you and your child.
Supervision * What is the child per caregiver ratio? * How many children are in the daycare? * How many caregivers do they have? * Are the children supervised during the whole day (restrooms, sleep time, getting drinks, and the like)?
Director Qualifications * Does the Director have a bachelor’s degree in a child related field? * What is the Director’s experience with children?
Teacher Qualifications * Are the caregivers required to have certification in a child related field? * How long has the caregiver worked with children? * Do you offer classes for your caregivers’?
Medications * Who dispenses the medication to the children? * Does the daycare keep all medication out of the reach of children? * Are all caregivers trained on how to read labels and dispense medication? * What documents do you need for prescriptions and other medications to be dispensed?
Immunizations * Are the children in your daycare up-to-date on all their immunizations? * Do you have records to prove that they are up-to-date on their immunizations?
Hand Washing and Diapering * Do caregivers and children wash their hands before eating? * Do the caregivers wash hands after changing diapers? Do the caregivers wash their hands after restroom use? * Is there a place where diapers are changed? * Do the caregivers always keep a hand on child while changing diapers?
Playgrounds * How often are your playgrounds inspected for safety? * Is there a fence surrounding the playground?
Emergency Plans * Does the daycare have an emergency plan? * Do you have information on who to contact in an emergency?
Fire Drills * Does the daycare have plan for weather issues? Toxic Substances * Are there cleaning supplies and pest killers kept away from children? * Where is your poison control information posted?
Child Abuse * Are caregivers seen at all times by others? * Have all your caregivers had a background check? * What are the steps you use to report child abuse?
You may want to visit the daycare several times to make sure all your questions have been answered. Keep in mind your ultimate job is to keep your children safe and healthy.